Saturday, 21 September 2013

Thesis and Mini outline "All Things Not Considered"


Thesis : (1) In this poem, the poet emphasize on terrorism, brutality, and death. 

            (2) Through imagery, the poet clearly portrays the injustice experienced by Palestinians.

* I consider this poem as an extreme poem because the elements of death in it.

Theme : Terrorism

-The speaker question whether death is not serious matter . 

Eg : In what language
        is this holy? 

- From the tittle itself , "All Things Not Considered" ; we can indicate that , in war all things are not considered. Violence takes the life of innocent people. 

Eg:  Mohammed al-Durra, huddled against his father
      in the street,terrified. The whole world saw him die. 

-People can re-evaluate their beliefs, because when religion leads to death, it is wrong.

-This poem also using asterisk (*) and italic

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